Trainer Requirements

Criminal Reference Checks

Have you completed your Vulnerable Sector Check? Below you will find information that you need to fill out a Vulnerable Sector Check Form as well as the additional information required to complete the application process.

To avoid missing out on the season, make sure to submit your Vulnerable Sector Checks early to ensure they are processed before the start of the season.

IMPORTANT! Once your Vulnerable Sector Check has been submitted ONLINE, please email Kevin a notification so that he is able to look for and track the results for all coaches/assistants/managers/etc.


These are the accepted certifications to be a trainer with the OLA.

  1. Any St. John Ambulance Emergency First Aid course of 8 hours (or more)
  2. Canadian Red Cross Standard First Aid & Basic CPR course
  3. Sport Alliance of Ontario/Canadian Red Cross Sport First Aid course
  4. Ontario Hockey Trainer’s current certification program
  5. A professional designation which includes a current letter of employment (acceptable examples: MD; RN; Police Officer, Firefighter, First Responder, Paramedic)
  6. Lifesaving Society (Ontario) Standard First Aid course
  7. Action First Aid Standard First Aid course
  8. Rescue 7 Standard First Aid course
  9. Lifesaving Society (Quebec) Emergency First Aid/AED-Sports & Recreation
  10. Workplace Medical Corp Emergency First Aid/CPR/AED Awareness
  11. Workplace Medical Corp Standard First Aid/CPR/AED Awareness

If you are still interested, but do not have any of these certifications, please submit your application.